It has been a while since I wrote a blog for our website, so I thought I’d summarise some of the things we have been up to.
Since the Bring and Take morning in early July we have been at the Fun Day later than month, clearing the surrounds of the pond near the Village Hall in September and October, and clearing a footpath a couple of weeks ago.
The Fun Day was fun! The charity event was held at Sayers Croft, and was organised by the Friends of St Peter and St Paul. Eddie was helping with the pond dipping while Richard, James, Jess, Alice and Trasna all helped with the LEAP stall.

We also had a nice team of people helping with the pond surrounds. This was over two monthly working parties, but I’m sorry I don’t have any pictures! If you took one and would like to show it please mention it in the comments below. At the same time the planters outside the Village Hall were painted with a preservative.
Earlier this month (November) it was wet! Very wet. Despite the intermittent downpours, we managed to find a break and cleared a good section of the footpath from the steps on the Mount (The Street) to Sayers Croft. There were only four of us, but it was a very useful task.

I’m not sure what we will be doing in December yet, but it will be nice to see some of you again.