Surrey Hills AONB boundary Extension

I have been involved in the initial briefings for a Surrey Hills AONB boundary extension.  The proposed extension around Ewhurst, and many other places, is now out for public consultation until 13th June.  Below are some maps of the proposed extension around some of Ewhurst.  

The full consultation documentation (there’s a lot!) is here:

They will also be available at many local libraries and council offices.  To add your views to the extension (too little, too much, or just right?) you can click “Continue” at the bottom of here:

Alternatively print off a paper version for replying also from the above page.  From the consultation web pages:

Why your views matter

Your responses will help to inform Natural England’s decision on whether to take forward our proposals and, if so, where the boundaries should be. We will publish a summary of the responses following the end of the consultation period.

Personally I think the boundaries should be extended further to surround Ewhurst!  It is important that we have many (hopefully positive) responses to the proposal so that the boundaries will be extended.  Note that the extension will take some time to be approved by the Home Secretary, especially if there is a general election next year.  If considered controversial, there may be a public inquiry too.


Candidate areas around Ewhurst
Proposed boundaries around Ewhurst

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