I’d like to wish all readers a very happy New Year. Let’s hope that the pandemic will soon come to an end. Despite the difficulties, Ewhurst LEAP was busy last year:
- Surveying 40 of the street trees in and around Ewhurst;
- A very successful litter pick;
- Making four large wooden planters for the Village Hall – and filling them;
- The wonderful village Carnival, where we gave out 200 free packets of wildflower seeds;
- Footpath and pond clearance;
- Helping the Infant school children planting a hedge.
The committee would like to thank you for all your help.
We have photos of some of these, please look at our Image Gallery to see them.
This year we have lots more ideas for activities. Yesterday we cleared footpath FP440 (well it is now passable, but only single file!) and more footpaths are planned. Much later in the year we will be clearing more of the pond, but this spring we will be planting yellow rattle plant plugs next to it. We hope this will discourage the grass and allow many other wildflowers to grow naturally. We are also doing a litter pick (always a favourite), as well as surveying the public footpaths and bridleways in the parish.