The weather is looking good for Saturday, and we we will finish tidying the pond by the Village Hall car park. It was lovely to have three new people join our working party earlier this month. Two of us actually went into the pond (yes, the LEAP waders are still very waterproof) but on Saturday we will be mainly taking the clippings, and all we heaved out of the pond, to the compost heap.
We will meet at the pond at 10am on 2nd December, and finish at mid-day. We will need wheelbarrows again, if possible. Garden forks and shears would be useful too although we have some spare.
For a trial period in the New Year we are going to change the LEAP working parties to the second Saturday of the month – some people at the Carnival mentioned it was better for them, and those I have spoken to at the working parties said it was not an issue for them.