Free Meadow Maker seeds instructions

To see a world in a grain of sand
And heaven in a wild flower

‘Age of innocence’ William Blake

Given out at the Ewhurst Carnival

Meadow maker plus from Plantlife: A diverse mix of species to establish a wildflower meadow that will put on a really good floral display. Contains British Native Wildflower species suitable for most conditions, including lady’s bedstraw, common Bird’s-foot trefoil, meadow buttercup, white campion, cowslip, oxeye daisy, dandelion, common knapweed, greater knapweed, black medick, ribwort plantain, selfheal, yellow rattle, yarrow, common sorrel, common vetch, red clover, betony, field scabious and musk mallow.

LEAP Seed packets

Please send us ( a photo of your meadow when it flowers!


Each packet given out at the Ewhurst Carnival covers approximately 2m2.

Sow in spring or autumn into a fine, well prepared seed bed and lightly rake, then firm soil. Ensure seedlings are well watered. Cut back all growth at the end of flowering (late Aug-Sept), removing all cuttings.

This unique wildflower mix will help you (and your bees and butterflies) enjoy native flowers in your garden. For more wildflower gardening tips and advice, visit

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