It was nice to see so many of you at the Carnival, and thanks too to those who helped. There was a lot of interest in the books and the wildflowers from around the village pond. The free wildflower seeds were also very popular.
Despite some delays and a few setbacks, our first LEAP/Sayers Croft/Duke of Edinburgh student collaboration will be taking place on Wednesday afternoon (22 August). It would be nice if some of you are available and can help.
The DofE students are working towards the Gold medal by helping to resurface the muddiest parts of the path to the woods behind Mapledrakes Road. Surrey County Council have agreed to deliver the scalpings, and Sayers Croft are looking after the DofE students and providing the equipment for them.
The scalpings have also been allocated by SCC for us to resurface parts of the path from Rectory Close to the Church.
The pile of scalpings for resurfacing will be delivered to the end of Williams Place, and I will be filling a trailer with some of it for Rectory Close.
Any scalpings left will need to be moved, although I hope there will not be much! If there are some left I would also like some help on Saturday – I’ll send out another message if I do.
If you would like to help on Wednesday, I will be at the end of Williams Place from about 1pm. Please bring shovels, rakes and wheelbarrows!