Welcome to our new blog. Each month we will post a blog with information about LEAP’s activities and keeping you up-dated on environmental issues which we hope will be of interest to Ewhurst residents. We are also very keen to hear your views and really want this to be an interactive site; so please feel free to contact us through the website.
July has been a very busy month and we thought that we would have to get our umbrellas and waterproofs out for our annual Clear Out Day. This is the time when one person’s rubbish becomes another’s treasure. We were lucky and only had a couple of short downpours, which didn’t seem to dampen the spirits of the many people who came to have a look. Lots of items were brought to the rec and I’m pleased to say most of these went to new homes; leaving us with very little to dispose of. Tea, coffee and cakes, kindly donated by Claire and Joanna were an added delicious temptation!
The Clear Out Day has been so successful that we have decided to trial a Clear Out On-line service, (COOL). If you have an unwanted item which you feel somebody else may like you can now post it on our special website. No money changes hands but you have the satisfaction of knowing that you have contributed to recycling and benefitted another person at the same time. We are very grateful to Eddie for setting this up.
The other big event of the month was Carnival Day. We are always keen to raise our profile in the village and it was great to talk to so many people during the afternoon. We were giving away packets of wildflower seed and devised a quiz testing plant identification skills. All the plants were collected in the Ewhurst area and it just shows what rich habitats we have on our doorsteps. What struck us was the many observations of wildlife that you shared with us. We would love to hear how well your seeds do and also if you see any unusual plants or animals in the area we are interested in monitoring these as well.
In the future there are a number of walks planned and we intend to print maps of these, which all start in Ewhurst and vary in length. We also regularly have litter-picks and footpath clearances; so if you are interested in improving the environment and joining us please come along.