Despite the mud, the team that helped last month made quite a difference to the two footpaths tackled. A lot of people use the paths from Wykehurst Lane to Coneyhurst Lane, so thank you. We have another footpath that need widening: FP428 alongside Cobblers Brook and Bramblehurst Farm.

Unfortunately I cannot be with you, but Alice will show you the path. She will also have the LEAP tools to collect from outside our house before she leaves. If you want to borrow secateurs, loppers or a bowsaw please come to Leabrook, Mapledrakes Road. I’ve marked it on the map. Alice will set off from Leabrook at 10am this Saturday 9th February, and will finish at midday.
I have been sent a message from Chris Westbrook in Ellens Green, asking if anyone would like to help out at this year’s Ellens Green communal litter pick, which will be held on Saturday, the 23rd of March. If you are interested please email me and I will pass on the details.
All the best