Carnival pictures

It was a soggy wet day – but it didn’t stop us from enjoying the Ewhurst Carnival. I have a picture of having set up up our Gazebo, if you have any more pictures please reply to this blog.

Thanks especially to James who organised the recycling. An enormous amount of work, but a very good result. Harriet was pleased that they didn’t have to deal with rubbish as well as everything else, and is very grateful, so a winner all round.

Richard attracted a lot of people with wildflowers and Alice caught some new LEAP subscribers.

Setting up the LEAP gazebo at the Carnival

Carnival Time!

It’s Ewhurst Carnival time!  This Saturday the LEAP gazebo will be there at the rec., so come and join in. We are hoping you can help encourage more people to join LEAP. We will have Summer wildflowers on display and some pictures of the things we all get up to.

LEAP is organising recycling for the carnival; any help with this would also be appreciated.

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday,
All the best,