We will be widening a footpath on Saturday – to make the muddy paths FP432 and FP435 towards Yard Farm passable – but wellies will still be needed!
Either make your own way there (map below) or meet at the end of Williams Place at 10am Saturday morning (8th Feb). I will bring the LEAP tools for cutting the brambles and briars, but please bring your own secateurs, shears or loppers if you want. We are investigating battery power tools, but at the moment we do not have insurance for using them. (We find that petrol power tools are too noisy and smelly for group work.)
It was nice to see many of you on the Coddiwomple on Monday. It was a very fitting tribute to Jean Overton.

Apologies to anyone who tried to contact us over the last few days – our email provider was taken over and the new company (123-reg) failed to set it up. It should be working now.
I hope you can be there on Saturday,
All the best,