This is the short walk we went on last year, in preparation for the longer walk next month. Thanks to Keith and Debbie for making up these walks.

Start: Ewhurst Village Hall Car Park
Allow: 1 hour if being pulled by along by a dog, 1½ hours with short rests.
Section 1
Leave car park (CP) going North (N), up the sloping path with handrail and through Churchyard. If time view the church inside. Continue round the church to a metal gate at the N end (not the Lychgate). Turn left (TL) down the old rectory drive to reach The Glebe and look for the Public Footpath (PF) to the right (R) of Winton House. Follow to Downhurst Road. Cross over to the PF opposite. Reach Ockley Road and TL until you reach the Bull’s Head. Cross over R and go N up Shere road. After about 30 metres (m) TR at first PF. This path winds around and a small descent through edge of woods, along the edge of 2 fields with a foot bridge in between, then uphill into woods until eventually you reach a marked PF between fencing on the left hand side (LHS). Take this PF going N towards Pitch Hill (Good views) reach a metalled drive and TL along the drive until you reach the Shere Road. Cross over with extreme care.
Section 2
Continue west along Coneyhurst Lane until you reach a sharp RH bend. Take PF to your L towards a house with a flag pole. Just before the house the path bears L. Follow path between fences until an Oak Tree is reached. Rest a while on the bench and take the views of Pitch Hill. Once rested continue on the path until a road (Wykehurst Lane) is reached. TL and follow the lane for about 400m distance to Bridge House. There is now choice of routes
Via Bulls Head – Continue on this lane until the Bull’s Head can be viewed. Stay a while; on leaving pub TL down the Street until you pass the church and onwards to the CP.
Via the allotments – As the road rises after Bridge House there is a PF to your R down a drive. This becomes a path between fences. Continue onwards over 3 stiles and turn immediately L over a further stile. Walk L past allotments and the school until the Church can be seen. With luck or with planning the Wilson Room will be open for teas and coffee. Retrace path South down to CP.
CP car park
FP footpath
L left
LH(S) left hand (side)
m meters, approximately the same as yards
N North
R right
RH(S) right hand (side)
TL/R turn left/right